
Michael and I go strolling in the bush. Join us as we walk from Shipwreck Creek to Seal Creek, to see the flowers and a big hairy spider!


The Australian Dream written by Stan Grant It wouldn’t be right to say that I don’t like football. It wouldn’t be right to say that I do like football either. I don’t go out of my way to watch it or participate in it. I don’t have a passing interest in it or really care […]


Bullies abound in politics and we should all call it out. It needs to stop!


A dog, an overseas trip, a song and a name. A little trip down memory lane.


News Ltd continues its unwarranted attack on Michael, ignoring the substance of his activism.  Piers Akerman is the latest bully to make shit up. IT’S a sad truth that those who so recently claimed to be the bullied are now among the world’s greatest bullies. Great way to start an article, an assertion, without any […]


The Australian continues it’s witch hunt and treating the GLBTI community as it’s plaything.


The media misses the mark, does little fact checking and takes off on the wrong tangent. How hard is it to get it right?


Asking really simple questions leads to a media storm that is inaccurate and at times just plain wrong


An early morning walk is always good – however I must admit to a certain level of madness to be walking in the hills before dawn.  The rewards are quite stunning. My watch started vibrating right on 6.00 a.m.  I was already awake, lying there waiting for it to go off.  It’s important never to get […]


Passengers has a good first bit a mostly good end bit and a really bad middle bit.

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