The Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, no doubt has one of the toughest jobs in the country. She preside over a minority government, which I’m sure is very difficult.

Julia says a little prayer
Gillard is an atheist. She thinks that the bible is a myth but says it contains some important stories for us.
Gillard is unmarried. She thinks that marriage is between one man and one woman, as the christians believe.
Gillard is the keynote speaker at this years Australian Christian Lobby Annual Conference.
The ACL have described their annual get together as “Building a Nation of Character: Religious Freedom in a Secular Democracy”
I’ve checked the Prime Minister’s diary to see if she makes it a habit to speak to hate groups.
You can find the PM’s Public Schedule on her website here To see every week since the start of the year change the week=30 to week=1 and work your way through. I’ve collated it as a PDF file here for you..
While Gillard gives lots of speeches and makes lots of visits she doesn’t really appear to do anything too controversial. In fact, I can’t see where she has met with any gay rights lobby. I can’t see her attendance at any gay event. She’s happy to visit schools, factories and attend the local footy club matches. She doesn’t make too many speeches to lobby groups, in fact her diary is very carefully managed and quite often ties in with current government initiatives.
Just today the annual National Day for Marriage Rally was held in Canberra. The event is fully supported by the ACL (here’s their media release), at the rally today, one of the speakers had this to say:
homosexuals (re)produces themselves by molesting children
The ACL want us to tone down the rhetoric and not call people who support marriage as between one man and one woman homophobes, but here again is the outlandish falsehoods about gay people, spoken at an event that is fully endorsed by the ACL.
The Prime Minister of Australia is their keynote speaker, she has agreed to address the ACL. This gives them an air of authority. As if they are something special.
Gillard avoids gay people. She brushes our concerns aside, will not entertain any notion of equality for us. We are not given a second thought.
The ACL have a long history of intolerance to gay people. They continually misrepresent the truth. Have a look at just some of the tweets they’ve sent here
This is a deeply offensive action from her. It seems to be a clear attempt to woo the Christian vote. She will tell them what they want to hear.
It seems to me the PM is more interested in chasing a few votes than defending and supporting those who are victimised for no other reason than their sexuality. If Gillard had any decency at all she would withdraw from the conference and call on the ACL to treat all citizens of Australia equally.
Other stories:
Michael’s Blog
The Australian
Australian Marriage Equality
Shellity – There should be a sign
Godless Business
Star Observer
Gay News Network
Flourish & Bloggs
The Punch
Found a story in another place? Send it to me and I’ll add it to the list.