
The ACL is dishonest and disingenuous when talking about the reasons for their opposition to marriage equality. It’s more about their religion and orthodox Christian values than it is about the well-being of children.


Sometimes I think I live in a cocoon and I feel oblivious to what’s happening around me. I’ve always been good at railing against the world, in my 20’s I  fought city people for the rights of rural people.  City folk still have little comprehension of what its like over the Westgate bridge (and yes, […]


Some guy kissed another guy and it made it to the telly. Some guys don’t get the whole kissing thing and when two men do it they get all nervous. The guy doing the kissing is an American football player, Michael Sam.  He’s gay and the first one of us to be drafted into the […]


If that sounds like it’s from a song, you’re right.  Tim Freedman wrote “No Aphrodisiac” in 1997 about his girlfriend who was living in another city at the time, it was considered the breakthrough song of The Whitlams, an Australian rock band formed in the 1990’s.  The line from the song is the title of […]


I’m a lad of Western Victoria, born and raised in Hamilton in the state’s Western District. I lived there from 1963 until 1995. Then I moved to Melbourne. Hamilton is the place I consider home.  Despite my 20 years in the big smoke, I still have a hankering for that small rural town. This Easter […]


Somewhere along the way my Dad died.  I knew he died.  It was completely unexpected, well, except that he was 84. Brian John Storer 13 December 1928 to 30 July 2013 It was 14 months between my mother dying and Dad dying.  The two deaths were so very different.  Mum’s was drawn out and painful […]


Today I turn 50. 13th August 1963 was when it all started. I’ve said before that birthday celebrations seem a bit odd to me.  Counting how many times we’ve been around the sun.  Still, it marks a point in time and 50 is one of those ‘important numbers’.  I have embraced it and gone all […]


I just can’t believe that my government lead by Kevin Rudd and the opposition leader, Tony Abbott are so tied up in knots about asylum seekers. It seems to be crazy and I want them to know how bad I think their decisions are.  On one hand we have Rudd wanting to send them all […]


I’m simply outraged, enough to drag myself out of bed and write this blog while my levels of outrageousness are still really high. I find it beyond my comprehension that two grown men adopted a child and then abused that child in a way that makes me feel sick.  I have no words that I […]


Senator Conchetta Fierravanti-Wells gave this speech in the Senate on the issue of same-sex marriage on Wednesday, 19 September 2012. In this blog, guest blogger, Guy Curtis looks at her speech and takes the speech apart. I rise today to speak on the Marriage Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2012. Marriage is defined as ‘the union […]

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