Oct 22

It’s 7.00a.m., already 17oC. The sky is clear, and the air is crisp as I walk from the car park, dog in tow, excited to be outside. So many smells to smell and things to pee on.

I’m on a mission today. It’s the first day of a training program that will aid me in running 10kms. It is unclear to me why I want to do that, but there you go.

Step one is a 10-minute warm-up, walk or a light jog. The dog on leash, I break into a little jog along the gravel path. The birds chirping in the scrub, the surfers bobbing in the water like shark bait on a line.

The waves are crashing in and there’s a lot of people, all dressed in black wet-suits. And I pause to think who is crazier, the 60+ year old pretending to jog lightly, or the 60+ year olds dangling their legs in the cold water. Waiting for the right wave to ride to shore, so they can then paddle back out and wait for the next one.

My watch beeps and I ‘recover’ from my light jog for 30 seconds before leaping into cadence drills, a concept that eludes me really, then into acceleration-glider drills. I’m convinced that I would be better at dangling my legs over a surfboard.

Before too long, my watch declares that my workout is complete. I head to the sandy beach, let the dog off and watch her run madly along the sand, stopping sporadically to dig a hole because, she’s a dog.

Life is good.

Buddy digs a hole
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Oct 21

I spend a lot of time out on the road these days. I see plenty of cars zooming past, all shapes and sizes. It’s the main way we get about, rushing from home to work and return.

Most of the cars I see have one person in them. We have built these great big massive machines, able to sit up to about 5 people and carry heaps of other things, and in reality, they make short trips for just a single person.

Some households even have two of the things.

Our world teeters on the edge of catastrophic climate change. We know that things have to change if we want to limit the destruction heading our way, less carbon emissions from fossil fuels. Yet, day in, day out, we jump in our car, drive to work, leave the car in a car park, then drive it home again and park it overnight.

So, what’s the plan?

We are a one car family, with an electric car. I have an e-bike that I ride to and from work every day, and use the bike to get elsewhere too. Sometimes, riding to the train station, taking the bike onboard and then riding the last bit on the bike again.

If we all know what needs to change, why are we still waiting?

Image by wal_172619 from Pixabay

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Oct 20

As far as I know, this is it for us. The one planet that we all call Earth. For all life, this is all we will ever know. We evolved here, and like water in a puddle, the environs are perfectly suited to our needs.

As much as I would like to, I can’t save the planet for Homo sapiens. Yet, collectively, we seemed to have made a right mess of it. We all know it, even those who deny the impact on climate, they know that the planet with us on it is a mess.

I want to do my bit to reduce my impact on the world around me. For the household that Michael and I share, that means reducing our carbon footprint. To that end, we have gone all electric. We ditched the gas stove, central heating and hot water. Put some solar panels on the roof, double-glazed the windows, bought a battery to use our own energy overnight and got an electric car.

This is what we can do, not every one can do that.

We did this to do our bit in reducing the impact of our lifestyles on the world around us. It’s not much, and single-handedly we won’t be stopping climate change.

There’s those who don’t get it, that say it will never pay for itself. The battery, for example, only lasts 10–15 years and we will never recoup that cost.

I think that’s the wrong approach. If the only reason you are installing solar panels, heat pumps and batteries is to save money, then you may need to question your motivation.

The planet needs saving from us, and those of us that can afford to do our bit, should do it. Yep, it’s going to cost you money. Yep, it will help the environment.

All the money in the world won’t help when the Earth becomes inhospitable to Homo sapiens.

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

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Aug 30
Wear it Purple Logo

Today is Wear It Purple Day. At work, some of us wore purple supporting our LGBTIQA+ youth.

I gave a quick 3-minute presentation about what Wear It Purple Day means to me.

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