Oct 25

I love being by the surf. The roar of the ocean is a noise that brings me much delight. The bigger the wave crashes, the happier I am.

I always have waves crashing in my head. Tinnitus does that to you. Well, maybe not you, but certainly for me. You’d think I’d be welcoming of the crashing noise that travels with me everywhere. If only that was the case. Get up in the morning, the waves are rolling in, one after the other, about half a meter high. Jump on the bike to ride to work, the seas abate as I listen to some podcasts. Every so often there’s a little lapping noise in the quiet spots.

As I start my delivery round on my motorbike, I put a helmet on my head. The cuffing of my ears reminds me of lifting a shell to hear the rolling waves.

You get the picture, or the sound, as the case may be.

The best place to quieten the fuzzy noise in my head is by the sea. Not in it, the feel of sand moving between my toes scares the bejesus out of me.

So while it may cancel out, all I really do is move the sound from inside to outside.

Gives my brain a few minutes to think about something else, like the importance of putting the glass under the tap before running the water so as not to waste any.

Image by Tiffany from Pixabay

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